Burnsville Festival And Fire Muster Medallion Hunt Clue No 2

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Burnsville Festival and Fire Muster Medallion Hunt Clue No. 2

Medallion Hunt (July 4, 2023)

Every year, the Burnsville Fire Department hides 25 medallions around Burnsville.

Here is clue No. 2:

I am near a place where you can get sodas, hamburgers and hot dogs. I am near a place where you can see police cars and fire trucks. I am facing a playground. The medallion is inside a miniature house. If you found this medallion, please bring it to the Firefighters Park (at the intersection of Highway 13 and County Road 42) and turn it in at the big tent. The medallion is about the size of a quarter and will be attached to a piece of paper. The paper will have the number "2" written on it. The medallion is made of metal and has the Burnsville Fire Department logo on it. Some medallions have been found within minutes. Others have taken days to find. Good luck and have fun! The medallion hunt will start at 9:00 a.m. and will end when all 25 medallions have been found. The medallion hunt is a fun way to celebrate the Burnsville Fire Muster and Fire Department. The medallion hunt is free to participate in. If you are planning to participate in the Burnsville Festival and Fire Muster Medallion Hunt, please be sure to follow these rules: - Please do not remove any of the medallions from the property where they are hidden. - Please do not damage any property while searching for the medallions. - Please be respectful of other people who are participating in the hunt. - The medallion hunt is a family-friendly event. Please be sure to keep your children close by. - The medallion hunt is a rain or shine event. - Please have fun!