Chiles Boric And Argentinas Milei Join Exercises Of Us Southern Command

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Chile's Boric and Argentina's Milei Join Exercises of US Southern Command

Chilean President Gabriel Boric and Argentine Deputy Javier Milei have joined military exercises led by the United States Southern Command.

The exercises, which began on Monday and will last until Friday, are designed to strengthen cooperation between the three countries and improve their ability to respond to regional challenges.

The exercises are taking place in the northern Chilean city of Iquique and involve more than 1,000 troops from the three countries. The troops are conducting a variety of exercises, including live-fire drills, urban warfare training, and humanitarian assistance operations.

Boric and Milei said that the exercises were a sign of the growing cooperation between Chile, Argentina, and the United States. They said that the exercises would help the three countries to better address common challenges, such as drug trafficking, terrorism, and natural disasters.

The US Southern Command is responsible for military operations in Central and South America. The command has been working to strengthen its ties with countries in the region in recent years, and the exercises are part of that effort.