Chinas One Child Policy Sent Thousands Of Adoptees Overseas That Era Is Over

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China’s One-Child Policy Sent Thousands of Adoptees Overseas. That Era Is Over.


The one-child policy was instituted in China in 1979 to try and curb the country's rapidly growing population. The policy was successful in reducing the birth rate, but it also led to a number of unintended consequences, including a gender imbalance and a decline in the number of adoptions.

In the early years of the one-child policy, many Chinese couples who were unable to have children turned to adoption to build their families. However, as the policy became more strictly enforced, the number of adoptions declined sharply.

This decline was due to several factors, including the increased cost of adoption, the social stigma associated with adoption, and the difficulty of finding healthy infants to adopt.

The End of the One-Child Policy

In 2015, the Chinese government announced that it was ending the one-child policy. This change was made in response to the country's aging population and the declining birth rate.

The end of the one-child policy is expected to have a significant impact on adoption in China. It is estimated that the number of adoptions will increase as more couples are able to adopt children.

The Future of Adoption in China

The future of adoption in China is uncertain. While the end of the one-child policy is expected to increase the number of adoptions, there are still a number of challenges that need to be addressed.

These challenges include the cost of adoption, the social stigma associated with adoption, and the difficulty of finding healthy infants to adopt. It is important to remember that adoption is a lifelong commitment, and it is important to make sure that you are prepared for the challenges that come with raising a child.

If you are considering adopting a child from China, it is important to research the process and the challenges that you may face. You should also talk to other adoptive parents to get their firsthand experience.