Construction Begins On View Blocking Banner After Tree Vandalism In Sydneys North Shore

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Construction Begins on View-Blocking Banner After Vandalism In Sydney’s North Shore

Community Outraged After Trees Along Waterway Vandalized

Construction has begun on a view-blocking banner after vandals destroyed trees along a popular North Shore waterway. The project, set to be completed by the end of the mothn, will see a large white banner erected along the foreshore of Willoughby Bay, obscuring the view of the water for residents and visitors.

Council Responds to Concerns

The decision to erect the banner has been met with outrage from the community, who say it was made without consultation and is a “disgraceful” use of public funds.

Willoughby Council has defended the project, saying it is necessary to protect the newly planted trees from further vandalism. The council also said it will consider removing the banner once the trees have matured and are less vulnerable to damage.