Michael Keaton About Batman Co Star Jack Nicholson I Just Really Liked Him

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Michael Keaton on Batman Co-Star Jack Nicholson: 'I Just Really Liked Him'

The Dynamic Duo

Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson starred together in the 1989 film Batman, which was a critical and commercial success. Keaton played the title role, while Nicholson played the Joker. The two actors had a great rapport on set, and their chemistry is evident in the film.

A Shared Appreciation

In a recent interview, Keaton spoke about his experience working with Nicholson on Batman. He said that he was immediately impressed by Nicholson's talent and professionalism. "He was just so good," Keaton said. "He was so prepared, and he knew exactly what he was doing. I just really liked him." Keaton also praised Nicholson's sense of humor. "He was always making jokes," Keaton said. "He was just a lot of fun to be around."

A Lasting Friendship

Keaton and Nicholson have remained friends since they worked together on Batman. They have both gone on to have successful careers in film, and they have both received critical acclaim for their work. Keaton's comments about Nicholson are a testament to the special bond that they formed on the set of Batman. The two actors have a mutual respect for each other's talent, and they have a genuine friendship that has lasted for over 30 years.