Wyden Merkley Urge Feds To Make Grazing Flexibility Recovery Assistance Available

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Wyden, Merkley Urge Feds to Make Grazing Flexibility, Recovery Assistance Available

Oregon Senators Push for Relief for Ranchers, Farmers Impacted by Drought

Oregon's U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley are urging federal officials to provide flexibility in grazing regulations and make recovery assistance available to ranchers and farmers impacted by drought conditions.

Grazing Flexibility

In a letter to U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Wyden and Merkley requested that the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management extend grazing permits and reduce grazing fees for ranchers who have been forced to reduce their herds due to drought.

The senators also asked for flexibility in grazing management practices to allow ranchers to move livestock to areas with more forage and water.

Recovery Assistance

Wyden and Merkley also urged the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide financial assistance to ranchers and farmers who have lost livestock or crops due to drought.

The senators specifically requested that the USDA make available emergency loans, livestock feed assistance, and crop insurance programs.

Drought Impact

Oregon is currently experiencing one of its worst droughts in decades, with much of the state classified as being in extreme or exceptional drought.

The drought has led to widespread crop losses and has forced many ranchers to sell off their livestock due to a lack of available forage and water.

Statements from Wyden and Merkley

"Oregon's ranchers and farmers are facing a crisis due to the severe drought conditions," Wyden said. "We need federal agencies to step up and provide flexibility and assistance to help them weather this storm."

"Ranchers and farmers are the backbone of our rural communities, and we must do everything we can to support them during this difficult time," Merkley said.